USITT Regional Sections Formation Guidelines

The basic requirements for forming a USITT Regional Section are noted in USITT’s By-Laws. Please read the guidelines below before preparing an application:

  • The number of founding members of a Regional Section shall be not less than 15 members of the Institute. A Regional Section may not continue with fewer than this number of members of the Institute. Both student and individual members qualify under the regulation above although not all sections distinguish between the two.
  • Individuals who are not USITT members at the time of application must join. Their completed membership applications and dues payments must accompany the application.
  • The application shall list the names and addresses of all members to be active in the Regional Section and shall be signed by each founding member. The application shall also include the names of the elected or appointed Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer. These three officer positions are required. However many sections have Members at Large or Directors at Large, split the Secretary and Treasurer into separate offices, or have more than one Vice-Chair, each with different responsibilities.
  • All officers of a Regional Section must be USITT members. The information provided on the application should correspond with member records so membership can be verified.
  • The application should include a map of the proposed geographical area within which the Regional Section shall operate. The service area should be small enough to permit easy access to meetings and the ready exchange of ideas and information. Regional Section boundaries do not have to follow state lines although a state or several states MAY serve to outline a logical Regional Section. Regional Section boundaries are not exclusive –individuals can and do belong to more than one Regional Section especially when they live near or frequently work in the area of a Section other than the one closest to home.
  • The application must include a copy of the proposed By-Laws under which the Section will operate. Sample By-Laws can be obtained from the VP for Members, Sections and Chapters. Also, some Regional Sections have posted their By-Laws on their websites, which might serve as useful examples.

Completed applications should be sent to the USITT Office.

For more information about the benefits of establishing a Regional Section contact USITT.

Individuals who wish to verify membership may contact the National Office or call 800-938-7488.