Henry E. Tharp
Your earliest memories of the Institute?
Touring the (then) new opera house at Indiana University during the 1965 Conference in Bloomington, Indiana (the first one held outside NYC) and being particularly impressed with the elevator(s) all the way to the grid.
Favorite USITT memory?
A great sound and light show at the Goodman Theatre during the 1968 Conference in Chicago
My first visit ever to San Francisco for the 1972 Conference at the Mark Hopkins Hotel (ruining all other cities for me ever since).
Career highlights:
- 1950-1952 & 1956-1958 Earned BA & BS in Ed in Speech and Theatre at Emporia (KS) State
- 1952-1956 Service in USAF (Korean Veteran)
- 1958-1959 Earned MA in Theatre at University of Illinois with Graduate Assistantship teaching Public Speaking and as a scene shop assistant
- 1959-1960 Assistant Technical Director (under Don Swinney, TD) At Hofstra College, Hempstead, NY
- 1960-1962 & 1964-1966 Instructor, University of Louisville, and Designer / TD, Belknap Theatre
- 1962-1964 Doctoral studies at University of Illinois with Graduate Assistantship as the Assistant Costumer for the University Theatre
- 1966-1974 Designer / TD for Louisville Children’s Theatre
- 1974-1977 Assistant Professor University of Missouri, and Designer / TD. University Theatre
- 1977-1997 Director (supervisor) of Performance Services University Theatres, University of Missouri
- 1997 Retired
Short list of your involvement in the Institute:
- 1965 - Joined and have been a member continuously ever since
- 1977 - Helped form HOA regional section and elected its first (Charter) President
- 1980 - Chaired USITT National conference in Kansas City
- 1981 - Elected to USITT Board of Directors
- 1982 - Elected Secretary of USITT
- 1985 - appointed Vice President for Conferences of USITT
- 1986 - Elected Vice President for Conferences
- 1993 - Chaired USITT National conference in Wichita
If you were to make a short list of the memorable USITT characters that have made a difference to you, who would they be?
Herb Greggs, the one-man national office, who was of great help putting together the 1980 Conference. Ron Olson, President during one of my terms as Secretary, who referred to me as the Secretary General.
Anything you want to say about being a Fellow?
Being elected a Fellow was probably the greatest surprise and honor I have received in my life. Being associated with the Fellows has been and continues to be a source of great satisfaction and pride.
Past or Present Memberships:
- Mensa
Memorable to others as:
The person with the USITT vanity license plates -- for more than three decades.