Jay O. Glerum Rigging Masterclasses

Please Contact us if you would like to host a Glerum Masterclass in your space. 

The Jay O. Glerum Rigging Masterclasses were established in 2016 to honor Glerum's passion for rigging safety and training. Glerum's commitment to safety has made these masterclasses possible and his legacy lives on through both the trainers, attendees, and their combined passion for continuing education and industry safety. Glerum was an American theatre consultant and author, and USITT Fellow, best known for his book, Stage Rigging Handbook. He was widely recognized in the technical theatre circles as the author of the Stage Rigging Handbook. Published by Southern Illinois University Press and continually in print since 1987, the book has been revised each decade to stay current with the rapidly changing field of technical theatre. The book is now in its fourth edition with co-author Shane Kelly.
Glerum was active in USITT for more than 40 years, joining in 1973 and serving on the Board and was a Technical Production Commissioner in the 1980s. He received the Joel E. Rubin Founder's Award in 2001 and the Health and Safety Award in 1992 and in 1995 was elected a Fellow of USITT.

Las clases magistrales de aparejo de Jay O. Glerum se establecieron en 2016 para honrar la pasión de Glerum por la seguridad y la capacitación en aparejos. El compromiso de Glerum con la seguridad ha hecho posible estas clases magistrales y su legado sigue vivo a través de los capacitadores, los asistentes y su pasión combinada por la educación continua y la seguridad industrial. Glerum fue un consultor y autor de teatro estadounidense, y miembro de la USITT, mejor conocido por su libro Stage Rigging Handbook. Fue ampliamente reconocido en los círculos técnicos del teatro como autor del Stage Rigging Handbook. Publicado por Southern Illinois University Press y en impresión continua desde 1987, el libro ha sido revisado cada década para mantenerse al día con el campo rápidamente cambiante del teatro técnico. El libro se encuentra ahora en su cuarta edición con el coautor Shane Kelly.
Glerum estuvo activo en la USITT durante más de 40 años; se incorporó en 1973 y formó parte de la Junta Directiva y fue Comisionado de Producción Técnica en la década de 1980. Recibió el Premio al Fundador Joel E. Rubin en 2001 y el Premio a la Salud y Seguridad en 1992 y en 1995 fue elegido miembro de la USITT.

The Masterclasses honor the memory of one of our industry's great advocates for Rigging Safety.

Taught annually beginning in 2016, these masterclasses now have three tracks of learning, advanced, intermediate, and entry level.

  • Advanced track will be taught for ETCP renewal credit and include training on the latest innovations in rigging as well as advanced safety such as life rescue and other topics.
  • Intermediate track is for those familiar with rigging basics and the safe operation of a counterweight system or those who have taken the Entry Level course and seek to advance their skills.
  • Entry track is geared towards students and educators and includes both counterweight and automated rigging safety and operations.

These classes are offered through the support of donors and corporate sponsors. Through their generous giving these courses are offered at reasonable rates. Proceeds support the education offered by USITT including the Rigging Safety Initiative.

If you would like to help sponsor Jay O. Glerum classes, please contact the National Office.

For more information, please contact Karen Greenfield, Education and Training Department Manager. 

Email Karen

In-kind Sponsor
