Two people sit behind a lightboard at USITT25 during a PDW or lab experience. The person on the left has brown hair with light blue streak and is wearing a black hoodie and glasses. The person to their right has blue and green braids and is also wearing a black hoodie. They are both touching the lightboard with their right hands and appear to be talking to each other about the lightboard.

Public Review: Lighting Documentation Recommended Practices

The Lighting Design & Technology Commission is currently seeking public review feedback from industry professionals for our new "Lighting Documentation Recommended Practices" document. Click here to review the document.

TECHnically Speaking Logo

New TECHnically Speaking Podcast Episode!

Catch up on all of our TECHnically Speaking podcast episodes! Click here to listen.

Cover of a past TD&T with the USITT logo ontop in red and text to the right of the TD&T cover that reads get involved with PUBS USITT's publications committee wants you.

Want to Get Involved with Publications?

PUBS is for you! Members who are interested in getting involved with publications in any capacity – as article or review authors, peer reviewers for articles, as editorial board members, Publications Committee members, or award nominators – are always welcome to reach out. Click here to learn more.

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USITT members represent an extraordinary array of visionaries who are shaping the future of entertainment production.

We invite you to connect with this exclusive audience of theatre and entertainment professionals, product innovators, academic institutions, students, and other industry specialists through our print, digital newsletters, podcast, and website advertising opportunities.

USITT logo top right corner, photo of a person participating in a hands on lab at usitt24 in seattle in the middle with the text give today under the photo a black brushstroke and a white brushstroke appear behind the photo on a red background

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For many 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations, USITT included, donations are a lifeline. We are able to continue to expand our online offerings to our Members and to our industry thanks to Membership dollars and the generosity of our donors. Explore Donation Options.



USITT connects performing arts design and technology communities to ensure a vibrant dialogue among practitioners, educators, and students. USITT was founded in 1960 as an organization to promote dialogue, research, and learning among practitioners of theatre design and technology.

Today, the Institute boasts thousands of members at all levels of their careers and has embraced the new technologies being used in entertainment. USITT is now the leader in life-long learning opportunities for the entertainment design and technology industry.

Explore USITT's membership options.